Whale watchin Cape Town
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More than 40 species of whales and dolphins are found in southern African coastal waters, representing over half of the cetacean species found in the oceans. With some of the best opportunities in the world to get near these spectacular animals, in particular the southern right whale, South Africa is the destination of choice for many whale watchers.

The Experience

Southern right whale:

South Africa’s southern coastline without doubt offers some of the world’s best whale-watching spots. The whales most commonly seen from shore are the southern right whales (Eubalaena australis), which visit our waters between June and November each year. Most of the whales are female, which give birth in sheltered bays, and then nurse their calf until it is ready to embark on the long migration back to the cold feeding grounds in the Southern Ocean. The females remain in our waters for a few months, nursing until the calf is strong enought to make the long migration to the Antarctic waters.

Southern right whales can reach a length of around 17 m and weigh up to around 50 tons. The whales breach frequently, providing for spectacular shots if you are a trigger-happy photographer.

Legislation in South African prohibits people from approaching within 300 meters of whales, unless having a permit to do so. However, there are a small number of permit holders for licensed boat-based whale watching in the Cape Town area which let us get closer to these magnificent animals and observe them.

Southern right whales breach frequently, possibly associated with communcation or for removing parasites or dead skin.

We start our trip from Gans Bay (also called the Great white shark capital of the world –for good reasons) and then head out towards the Pearly Beach area where we find the highest concentration of Southern right whales. After spending the allowed time with these outstanding creatures we move towards Dyer Island where we view the African penguins as well as various other seabirds numbering in the thousands. Behind Dyer Island we visit Geyser Rock, which is resident to about 60 000 Cape fur seals. Between these two Islands we find ourselves in what is called Shark Alley. Shark Alley is world famous for its Great White sharks, which makes this probably the only trip in the world where you have a chance of seeing a southern right whale as well as at least an 80 % chance of seeing a Great White shark. After this exhilarating two and a half-hour trip we return to the Kleinbaai harbour to enjoy some refreshments at the The Great White House.

Other species also commonly spotted on the whale watching tours:


Seasonality: July to November.

The vast majority of the participants in this marine safari find the trip life changing, informative and full of exhilarating fun!

Note: It is recommended that you dress warmly and wear comfortable shoes. Precuations should be taken in advance if you are prone to sea sickness.

Transportation: pick up in Cape Town can be arranged upon request.

This is a half-day trip and is arranged every day during the whale season, weather depending.

Contact us for price.

Price includes:
All safety gear required.
Marine excursion to Dyer Island.
Lead by experienced marine guides.
Wind and water proof gear provided.

Itinerary / Description
Southern right whales migrate to the South African waters to spend June to November here.
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