PADI Great White Shark Awareness Specialty Diver Course South AfricaIn this course, led by a marine scientist specializing in sharks, we separate fact from fiction and assemble the latest findings in white shark research. The lectures are peppered with fascinating information in addition to great white shark trivia that you guaranteed didn't already know. Upon successfully completing a minimum of three intense days of studying white shark biology you will be awarded the not too common White Shark Awareness Diver Distinctive Specialty certification, issued by PADI.
The Best Shark Diving Safari in South AfricaOn this journey we travel down the coast of South Africa and experience a variety of sharks from those found in the warmer waters off KwaZulu-Natal to the great white sharks found in the cooler waters around Cape Town. Whether you are completely new to diving with sharks or a seasoned shark buff, all the diving we do is a raw adventure combined with African safari at its best.
Shark Cage Diving with Great White Sharks Cape Town South AfricaBest viewed from the inside of a protective cage, the great white shark can be experienced close-up even by non-divers on a daytrip at sea. This will be the absolute highlight of your adventurous trip to South Africa.
Three Day Safari near Cape Town South AfricaThis active tour takes us through the best of the Western Cape, both inland through the fascinating karoo and along the rugged coast. Over three active days we get acquainted with the Big Five (lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros) and other African wildlife as well as crocodile and the white shark, to name but a few.
PADI Shark Diving Specialty Diver Course Cape Town South AfricaThe Shark Diver Distinctive Specialty course introduces you to the specialized established techniques and environmentally-responsible methods of diving with sharks in order to observe and interact with them in a safe and gratifying manner.
Breaching Great White Sharks False Bay Cape Town South AfricaRarely seen elsewhere in the world, the behavior of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) breaching out of the water in pursuit of their prey, the Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus), is an impressive sight. It is a show that each year draws a large number of people from around the world to False Bay and Seal Island.
Sardine Run South AfricaWe travel to the Wild Coast, a rural part of South Africa with striking scenery and many environmental gems. For scuba divers, a 10 day sardine run expedition will offer the best possibility of success as this length of time will allow for bad weather scenarios and variable degrees of marine activity.
PADI Whale Shark Awareness Specialty Diver Course MozambiqueWe travel to Mozambique to get a closer look at this gigantic fish, the fascinating and harmless whale shark, which thrives in these waters. Over four days we take part in a research project where we, as recreational divers, contribute with data collection which scientists subsequently use to estimate the size of the population.
Diving with the tiger shark in Umkomaas, South AfricaGaleocerdo cuvier, large in size and with a voracious appetite makes a formidable predator in the ocean, instilling respect in anyone encountering the tiger shark, and it astonishes researchers acquiring an improved understanding of the species. While its ill-repute typically used to surpass the facts of its true nature, swimming freely with the tiger shark at Aliwal Shoal in South Africa is a pleasant and exciting, guaranteed thrilling, yet above all a fascinating experience of its own kind.
Whale Watching Cape Town South AfricaSouth Africa’s southern coastline without doubt offers some of the world’s best whale-watching spots. The whales most commonly seen from shore are the southern right whales (Eubalaena australis), which visit our waters between June and November each year. Most of the whales are female, which give birth in sheltered bays, and then nurse their calf until it is ready to embark on the long migration back to the cold feeding grounds in the Southern Ocean. The females remain in our waters for a few months, nursing until the calf is strong enought to make the long migration to the Antarctic waters.
Diving Expedition to St. Helena in the South AtlanticWe travel to St. Helena, as a small yet adventurous group, to explore the island and get to know the local diving community who wish to show us what they have to offer under water.
Submerge yourself in a steel cage and get eye to eye with the biggest predatory fish on earth. No diving experience needed to participate in this thrilling adventure.